Camp NIMBASH 2023 – we want s’more!
The 14th annual NIMBASH fundraiser on Saturday, May 13, brought together more than 400 art lovers and raised over $700,000 to support local artists, community art programs, and the ongoing operations of Nimbus Arts. Of special note, the fund-a-need set a record and raised over $190,000 to support our programs and community outreach activities.
Returning to Charles Krug Winery in St. Helena, NIMBASH celebrated the coming of summer, and remembrances of the long warm evenings of childhood through its “Camp NIMBASH” theme. Guests explored the “campground” and participated in themed art activities such as camp t-shirt screen printing, woodburning, mosaic, watercolor postcards, archery led by local Troop #1 Boy Scouts, and Raku pottery s’mores. Dinner, the inimitable Fashion show by the Ehlers Society and dancing were also part of our magical night!
Providing employment and income for local artists is a central part of the Nimbus Arts’ mission. NIMBASH delivered 50% of art sale income to working artists in our community and beyond. Local artists were further supported through wages and commissions earned through the production of NIMBASH.
We are grateful for the continue support of our board, leadership circle, sponsors, and donors (large + small) that make this evening possible. Save the date for next year; May 11th, 2024!