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auction donations

auction donations

nimbash auction donations

NIMBASH features interactive art activities, live music, performance art, farm-to-table food and superlative wines, a rockin’ recycled art fashion show, wildly fabulous silent and live auction, and an after-burner dance party! The NIMBASH auction raises significant funds for Nimbus Arts, supporting experiential art programs, artists, scholarships, summer camps, tourism art programs, and free community arts engagement activities for children, teens, and adults of all ages throughout Napa Valley.

Featuring the work of renowned artists, unique wine and luxury goods, and one-of-a-kind experiences, the NIMBASH auctions provide an excellent platform to introduce the Napa Valley’s most discerning tastemakers to your work, or your company and its offerings. NIMBASH attendees include collectors, patrons and art lovers from throughout the Bay-area, across the country, and around the world.

Auction donations are accepted in four categories: Art, Auction Wine, Dinner Wine, and General. General lots include unique goods and services as well as one-of-a-kind experiences. Downloadable, fillable forms for art, wine, and general auction donations follow.

food & beverage vendors

Guaranteed to dazzle art lovers from the Napa Valley and beyond with a spectacular evening of art, wine, food, music, fashion — and so much more.

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