Nimbus Arts Welcomes You Back!
Nimbus Arts Welcomes You Back!
Napa County and State of California health officials have approved Governor Newsom’s Stage 2 Reopening Plan allowing the opening of camps, and have established guidelines for us to do so.
Nimbus Arts’ team is excited to reopen our studios to you all. We want to assure you that we are caring for the well-being of our Nimbus team and putting you and your family’s safety first so you can feel confident while exploring your creativity.
Guided by our onsite safety officer, our staff and instructors have completed safety training established by the CDC, and we have developed thorough studio safety protocol to ensure everyone’s welfare.
Here are just some of the things we are doing to ensure everyone’s safety:
- All staff and participants will be screened for fever prior to entering the studios.
- Face coverings, physical distancing, and hand washing will be required at all times.
- We have amped up facility cleaning schedules to include sanitizing of all high touch areas after student and staff use.
- Plenty of hand sanitizer and soap will be available for our staff and students
- Certified air filters, air purifiers, and open doors will ensure fresh air circulation in our studios
- We will not be serving snacks or lunches at this time, and rest room and sink use will be limited to one person at a time.
- No outside visitors will be allowed in our studios during class or camp hours.
- We have limited the number of students in each camp/class and have developed a strict studio usage schedule.
We hope you will join us in keeping Nimbus Arts as a safe and welcoming place for everyone by sharing in the following:
Community Precautionary Measures
- Upon registration we will ask all class participants or guardian/parents to sign a health and safety waiver.
- Please stay home and seek medical care If you/your student feels unwell or has a fever.
- Temperatures of staff and students are checked each day before entering the studios.
- Proper fitting face coverings required for all before entering our classes/camps.
- Parents: We ask that you make yourself available throughout class/camp time, in case your student needs to be picked up early for any reason.
Nimbus Drop – Off Instructions
- Please arrive at the back of Studio 1, following traffic flow signage.
- Please have one adult/student wait at one of our designated social distancing check-in areas while awaiting entry directions.
- Before admittance we will take a touchless temperature, and then will ask that our students wash their hands, and place belongings in their designated seating areas. (Please no belongings beyond personal water bottles, sweater or coat)
- Parents: we ask that you please wait in your vehicles or outside until your student/s have been admitted successfully. Parents will not accompany students inside our studios.
During Art Classes:
- We will keep 6’ social distancing inside and outside studios at all times.
- Face coverings must be worn by students and instructors at all times.
- Students will have their designated workstations with sanitized materials and tools.
- Students will be directed by our instructors to all handwashing stations and restrooms, practicing the “one at a time” rule.
Departure and Pick Up:
- Students will be guided through art materials and tool clean-up for their work station, and guided to pick up waiting areas.
- Students will wait in designated drop–off/pick up areas behind Studio 1 until parents arrive. (Please wait in your car or practice social distance pick up)
We hope that these precautions will allow you and your family to get creative and make beautiful things while keeping everyone safe.
Please help us maintain a healthy environment for all.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again.
Please call us if you have any questions.